Today's lab I believe went well. In teaching my lesson on the dynamic defender, I felt more confident as I spoke and more comfortable teaching. My hook and challenge were a couple things I felt was good about my lab. I really feel like I grabbed the attention of the students well with these two aspects. Also as the labs go on, I feel better and better about teaching my peers, which is very exciting for me because I can't wait to see how much I improve by the end of the semester. One part of the lab today that I know I should work on is my demo. Today I completely forgot to demo, which is a very crucial part of teaching a lesson. Also how well I project my voice is another concern for me. It's something I have been working on and I feel I am getting better, but there is still tons of room for improvement. Overall I feel today has been a successful day and all the other students did a great job on their teaching lessons. If anyone has any comments, please feel free to post them.
Also feel free to check out my
time coding form for this lab.
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